15 Sleep Podcasts That Will Help You Doze Off Easier

The best music for sleep may depend on your personal preference. A noisy environment can disrupt sleep and increase the risk of long-term health effects. The World Health Organization recommends keeping environmental noise levels below 40 decibels at night. Unfortunately, depending on where you live, it may be impossible to ensure a sufficiently quiet bedroom environment. Though there isn’t research yet specifically about the sounds of an oscillating fan, it does act as white noise and could offer some of the same benefits—like masking external noise.

For these people, it may be best to avoid caffeine altogether. One 2021 study found that using a mobile screen for more than 8 hours a day or for at least 30 minutes before going to bed can negatively affect sleep. Keeping the mobile device near the pillow while sleeping had a similar association with worse sleep quality. Cues such as light also influence the circadian rhythm, which helps the brain and body judge when it is nighttime.

This release boosts good feelings, which are instrumental in creating a sleep-inducing environment. Binaural beats are fundamentally a phenomenon created by your brain. If you listen to two different tones in each ear, your brain will perceive an additional tone. As for some noise-free ways to get to sleep, consider "using ear plugs , blocking sound with heavy drapes or other sound-proofing materials, or using noise-canceling headphones," MacDowell says.

Lead author Cassandra Gould van Praag, PhD, a research fellow at the University of Sussex, said the study's findings might have real-world impacts—especially for people with high-stress levels. "I would definitely recommend a walk in natural surroundings to anyone, Ambiance whether they're currently feeling frazzled or not," Gould van Praag told Health via email. Participants also performed a task to measure their attention and reaction time during each soundscape. However, while reading before bed can be relaxing, it may be best to avoid actually reading in bed.

For those of you with minds that run a hundred miles each night, this show is designed to slow down your thoughts and reset your mind. Sleep Whispers tells everything from various histories to recipes in hushed whispers, which has been shown to help adults sleep. What you do before bed is just as important as what you do on it.

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